Oracle Hospitality OPERA Plugin
Sertifi offers a direct plugin with Oracle Hospitality OPERA which enables straight-through payment processing by posting booking details and payment data directly into the reservation.
If you’re using this integration, you won’t see the standard Travel Company Authorizations Report within the portal. Instead, you’ll see the OPERA Status report. Use this to stay updated on all the Travel Company Authorizations coming through Sertifi and being pushed directly into OPERA.
Accessing your OPERA Status Report
When new Travel Company Authorizations are available, you and designated team members are notified by email. You’re then directed to the OPERA Status Report within your Portal to view travel bookings made by travel companies and virtual card providers.
To access the OPERA status report:
Login to your portal.
Navigate to Home, and then click OPERA Status.
The report shows a centralized list of all Travel Company Authorizations. Here, you can filter the report to only view Travel Company Authorizations by:
Confirmation Number
Guest Last Name
Guest First Name
Signer's Email Address
Status: Failed/Success
You can use the search fields at the top of the page to easily search for specific Travel Company Authorizations.

You can also sort the report by clicking the name of each column within the report. The columns can be sorted by:
Created Date
Folder Name
Status (Failed/Success)
Confirmation # (Confirmation Number)
Guest Last Name
Guest First Name
Arrival Date
Signer's Email
When sorting Travel Company Authorizations by columns, be sure to check for whether or not a particular authorization was successfully pushed into Opera, as indicated by the Status column (which will say either Success or Failed).
Access Payment Data
To view payment data for individual Travel Company Authorizations:
Click the blue information button to the right of the Travel Company Authorization to view more detailed information.
The Reservation Window will appear, containing information about the guest and the payment.
Make note of the Record Source so you know which travel management company, virtual card provider, or other travel company sent you the Travel Company Authorizations.
Click the blue credit card icon to view payment data. An access PIN will then be sent to your email address.
To finish accessing payment information, enter the verification PIN sent to you via email. Then click Verify.
After completing the two-step verification, the payment data will appear, and you can transfer it your PMS.
With the standard solution, Sertifi stores data for a set period of time before it's removed from the system. Extended payment data visibility and storage is available via upgrade. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Addressing Failed Travel Company Authorizations in OPERA
From the OPERA Status Report, you can sort by Travel Company Authorizations with a Failed or Success Status.
You can correct errors for the following fields:
Confirmation # (Confirmation Number)
Guest Last Name
Arrival Date
To update data for these fields:
Return to the main status report page that lists all of your portal's Travel Company Authorizations.
Find the Travel Company Authorization that needs updating, and click the blue pencil icon next to the field you need to change.
Update the field with the correct value and click the green checkmark icon.
Click the circling arrow icon on the right side of the window to update the Travel Company Authorization. Once the authorization is successfully pushed into OPERA, the record will be updated with a Success status.