Opera Reports
The Opera Status report is accessible to Sertifi Power and Super Admins that use the Sertifi and Opera integration. This report appears on the home screen for Sertifi Power and Super Admins. You can use the Opera Status Report in the Sertifi portal daily to review any failures. Some credit card authorization forms might not pass into Opera if information is entered incorrectly, or if the reservation isn’t active.
If you have Sertifi eConfirmations, you also see these records populate in your Opera Status Report.
This report automatically defaults to showing any failed data transfers between your authorization documents and Opera. However, you can also view all the successful transfers, or view all transfers by selecting from the dropdown.
Report Filters
You can filter the report to only view records by:
Confirmation Number
Last name
First name
Email address
Through this, you only see the record with the specific reservation information you're looking for.
Additionally, you can further filter the report using the Status dropdown. In this dropdown, you can select to view:
All records
Failed records
Successful records
Additionally, you can further filter the report by Confirmation Number, Last Name, First Name, or Email of a guest for a reservation, if you need to see the status of that reservation. You can also sort the report by clicking the name of each column, except the Reason column, to sort alphabetically.
This report opens in a new tab and shows the following information:
Created Date – the date the authorization form was submitted.
Folder Name – the name of the folder the document is in.
Status – populates with Failed or Success.
Confirmation # - the confirmation number of the reservation.
Guest Last Name – the last name of the guest on the reservation.
Guest First Name – the first name of the guest on the reservation.
Arrival Date – the guest’s arrival date.
Signer’s Email - the email of the signer of the document.
Reason – reasons an error might have occurred during the transfer.
Actions - the ability to re-push a failed record to Opera.
Once the information from the folder in Sertifi is pushed to Opera successfully, the folder is automatically archived in the Sertifi portal. As of the 20181010 release, any folders that were manually archived prior to this release now appear with a status of Success in the Opera Status report.
You can take action on your failed Opera pushes in the Opera status report. When you view failed documents, you see the reason the document wasn't able to push to Opera in the Reason column.
For example, if a document failed to push because the arrival date for a reservation is incorrect, click the pencil icon next to the arrival date for that record and update it directly on the report. After you update the Arrival Date, click the Repush icon
to send the record back to Opera.

You can update the following fields on your documents via the Opera status report:
Confirmation Number
Guest Last Name
Arrival Date
If there is a different error for the record, you must update that record in Opera.